Compassionate Inquiry
& Mindfulness practicesPsychotherapeutic approach developed by Dr Gabor Maté.
Do you feel stuck?
Are you suffering from anger issues or struggle to connect with your loved ones?
Do you feel like you are ready to clear some old patterns?
Are you battling with anxiety or depression?
Do you feel insecure and want to get your power back?
Do you feel like you are ready to take care of yourself in a compassionate way?
Do you want to move from Recovery to Discovery?
Are you ready?
to raise your level of compassion for yourself, your consciousness and awareness.
to change your mental climate and better self-regulate.
to understand your hidden assumptions, blind spots and implicit memories.
to use your body and mind for the path of healing.
to feel, honor and integrate your suppressed emotions.
to better understand the origin of your behavior with compassion.
to liberate yourself from past conditioning
to live more authentically
Safe space
without judgement &
without shame
Recovery Zone is a safe space, which helps you better understand your experience in order to enhance your journey toward a new connection to your ‘in the present’ Self.
My aim is to co-create, with your help, a space where your suppressed emotions can be fully acknowledged, felt and honoured, without judgement and without shame.
We will become curious about the Authentic You and this inquiry will allow you to better understand the origin of your behaviours while also bringing compassion to those parts of you which may have created coping mechanisms that no longer serve you. The aim is to liberate you from past conditioning in order for you to be able to stand confidently in your authenticity.
I offer one-on-one sessions based on Compassionate Inquiry (C.I.), a psychotherapeutic approach developed by Dr. Gabor Maté -> More info. I also offer group work as well as workshops on embodied leadership coaching.
If you would like to find out more about the process I follow or if you’d like to just connect, get in touch for a free 20 min Zoom session, by filling in the contact form.
What do I offer?
One-on-one Compassionate Inquiry sessions
Psychotherapeutic approach developed by Dr Gabor Maté that reveals what lies beneath the appearance we present to the world.
I offer group workshops adapted for people who want to be more empowered. You will learn to speak authentically from your true Self. We will experiment many techniques, allowing you to be more present, embodied, and attuned. You will be able to self-regulate and learn to be curious about your daily experiences, letting go of your hidden compensating tendencies.
Feel free to contact me for a free 20 min Zoom session.
About Me

In January 2015, after what seemed to have been 15 very successful years working in the marketing field, I realized that I needed a radical lifestyle change!
Here (Podcast) is my personal stories of trauma healing and the gifts revealed on the path to authenticity.
I had to surrender and come to terms with a powerful coping mechanism I had created early in life. This adaptation that helped me to survive as a child became a process addiction damaging my relationships and my ability to live an authentic, fulfilling and joyful life.
I had learned to hide it from everyone for over 25 years because of the amount of shame it brought me.
Through the process of crossing the river of change, I was able to transform my life, and now I want to share what I’ve learned in order to help those who find themselves in a similar situation.
In 2020 I became certified as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner (link) by participating in a 600-hour year-long graduate training developed by Dr Gabor Maté, followed by a 5-month mentorship program, as well as a year-long internship program, supporting Compassionate Inquiry training facilitators.
Since the beginning of 2022, I have been private mentor for participants in the online professional training (link) as well as facilitating group healing circles, 10-week CI Circles programme (link) and also teaching the professional training developed by Dr. Maté (link).
My knowledge is also grounded in the steps I took to find a solid recovery from my treatment at an addiction clinic and the 12-Step approach as well as other therapy groups I attended. I trained as a Kundalini Yoga teacher, a Recovery Assistant and went on to complete the Beyond Addiction Course co-facilitated by Dr Gabor Maté.
I’ve fully embraced every minute of my journey, feeling compelled to find the most effective tools, techniques and approaches not only for dealing with life in life’s term but also for thriving in life.
I’m really excited about my new journey with you.
Below is a list of the courses I’ve done and programs I’ve been part of:
1. Intensive training and education as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, Professional training Facilitator and CI Circle Leader (link).
Compassionate inquiry is a psychotherapeutic approach developed by Dr. Gabor Maté that reveals what lies beneath the appearance we present to the world.
2. Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training (200hrs).
I’m currently teaching via Zoom.
3. Recovery Assistant Course.
This course helps people to better understand the mechanism of various addictions (incl. co-dependency), in order to offer a practical, more hands-on approach when helping someone is struggling with addiction. I’ve co-developed and implemented a Mindfulness-based morning routine for Recovery Direct in Cape Town
4. Beyond Addiction Training (The Yogic Path to Recovery).
This is based on Kundalini training and draws from the extensive research that Dr Gabor Maté has done on the matter of addiction and self-defeating behavior.
5. Closed Group Work
To fully understand my process addiction, I worked with different approaches, Patrick J. Carnes, 12-Step program, men’s groups. I am currently leading CI circles (more info) I have walked this path of deep learning and service so that together we can take you from recovery to discovery.
Feel free to reach out, if you want to know more about the approach I use
or if you want to book for a CI session with me.
+41 77 489 03 13